

Our program supports eye care professionals both locally and internationally. We believe everyone should have the chance to see better, regardless of their circumstances. Our medical mission team work side-by-side with optometrists, to provide hands-on training to individuals and proper eye care. H4H plays a significant role in fulfilling our commitment to under served communities.  You can help promote optical health both in the community and throughout the world.

CLOTHING - SHOES - care package

Millions of people suffer and die every year because they do not have the most basic necessities  available to them. If you have a passion for helping others, come travel with us and make a difference.




Our Hope kidz program not only provide medical, dental and vision services to the children we serve, but also backpacks filled with school supplies. We believe that every child has the right to go to school and learn. Our back -to-school program ensures children of  low-income families are given a backpack and basic  school supplies, such as notebooks, pencils, erasers, crayons, markers and rulers. Without these basic supplies, many children are unable to attend school. In  2017, our Hope Kidz pro gram was expanded to include tuition sponsorship.  

Studies indicate that one-third of the world's population lives outside the reach of the local church – they have no opportunity to hear the gospel. Thus, God has called us to be His hands and feet.

Standing on a hillside with his followers, Jesus gave them this great command just before He returned to his father, “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel.” 
With the mission clear, Hope for Humanity Worldwide volunteers are committed to making an impact in the world as commissioned to do.​

Hope for Humanity Worldwide has a simple mission:

To help those in need medically and non-medically. For these reasons, Hope for Humanity Worldwide focuses on a specific mission, vision, and organizational goals that are mission driven, people focused, and God-inspiring.

The medical team provides free medical care to adults and children of all ages. Although medical mission trips are short-term, much is done to alleviate suffering. On our 2015 Mission trip to the Dominican Republic, a mother unable to pay for medical care at the hospital, kept her child home with a fever for two (2) weeks. It is for such patients that Hope for Humanity must provide medical care. Our intervention enabled the child get much needed professional care at a nearby hospital.



Our program provides essential items such as clothing, shoes and personal care items to those most in need. Thanks to our partnership with SHUZZ Foundation, we are able to provide a pair of new shoes to both the adults and children we serve on our mission trips.

Hope for Humanity Worldwide responds to this need by providing quality dental service. The dental team provides cleaning, filling, extractions, and oral care education to preserve oral health. The goal is to prevent pain and alleviate suffering. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are offered to each person who seek dental service.